
Oranssi is a youth organization based in Helsinki. The idea of Oranssi is to provide young people with the opportunity to independently produce their own kind of culture and to self-create their living environment. Oranssi was founded in the year 1990. The organization started by squatting empty spaces and by modifying them to suite cultural activites and housing.

Oranssi runs a youth cultural centre close to the centre of Helsinki. Large variety of different kinds of events and activites take place at the cultural center round-year. Events and activities include for instance gigs, work shops, seminars, circus training and theatrical performances.

Oranssi is a safer space and we expect our visitors to follow our safer space policies. You can read the policies here.

Oranssi’s entrance, event space and toilets are at street level and are accessible with support devices of all sizes. However, some higher doorway thresholds and sloping ramps may be difficult for people using manual wheelchairs. The toilets are gender-neutral. You can find Oranssi’s accesibility information here.


Oranssi Asunnot

Oranssi Asunnot is a non-profit company that provides communal and affordable housing for youth. Oranssi ry and Oranssi Asunnot are closely linked and work together.


Contact Information

Kaasutehtaakatu 1, building 11 (called Valvomo)

Address for mailing
Oranssi ry
Kaasutehtaankatu 1/20
00540 Helsinki

Executive Director
Emma Vuorio
044 700 5666

Mikko Santalahti
044 901 6126

Volunteer Coordinator
Minka Yltävä